rohanrhu submits CCS proposal to work full-time on 'PokerUnicorn Infrastructure Project'

Posted Tue, 14 May 2024, from Monero Observer

Price Analysis

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rohanrhu1 has submitted a CCS proposal2 looking to continue full-time development work on the PokerUnicorn Infrastructure Project3:

I’ve already published the game server and client. It has [..] Monero deposits, you can play multiple games simultaneously. As long as we can fund the project I’ll work on this full-time and make it purrfect and add more features. I hope you like my game.

Total funding: 100 XMR.



  • M1: Game Server and Client (already published45) (25 XMR)
  • M2: SW Robustness and ensuring the game Logic is %100 true (25 XMR)
  • M3: Making game client robust (especially web version) (25 XMR)
  • M4: Withdrawal feature and implementing true multiplayer randomness thing (25 XMR)

It is worth noting that rohanrhu is also the maintainer of the MoneroSharp library6.

To read the full proposal, share your feedback, ask questions and support this CCS, consult !4612.

Note that the software (client/server) currently uses Monero Stagenet.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.

License: CC BY 4.0, no changes were made to the article.