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ofrnxmr1 has completed2 the third milestone (M3-F/M3-B) for their CCS proposal3 to empower and steward BasicSwapDex4 to production quality software:
Request for M3-F and M3-B (M3-O comes end of month 4) [..] This next sprint (month) will add some of the more exciting functionality, further improve the UX and add some security features (such as client auth for the api port and amm integration in the gui and order matching.)
Core v0.14.2 > v0.14.4:
* coin config fixes for tor and port assignment
* coin core updates
* add upgradecores flag for basicswap-prepare
* added doge
* fix swap logic for recovering failed swaps
GUI 3.1.1 > 3.1.3:
* input send or receive amount in bids
* more user friendly offer creation, bidding
* designed new taker gui
* use websocket instead of json for dynamic orderbook
Script management suite:
* bsx-addcoin & bsx-removecoin accept coin name as arg
* adapt to new backend changes [..]
Read the full update on Gitlab2.
Consult the previous Monero Observer report5 to learn more about this CCS.
This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available. ↩ ↩ ↩2 ↩, /particl-basicswap-dex-open-beta-live/ ↩
/ofrnxmr-submits-ccs-proposal-empower-steward-basicswap-dex-production-quality/ ↩
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