jeffro256 posts June 2024 Monero dev update

Posted Tue, 16 Jul 2024, from Monero Observer

Price Analysis

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jeffro2561 has posted the first progress report (M1/June 2024)2 for their Monero/Seraphis dev work CCS proposal3:

This month I spent the majority of my time integrating legacy address support into the Jamtis-RCT4 library. [..] Further work on this library include: cleaning code, expanding docs, optimizing, adding support for hardware devices, supporting mixed Jamtis/Carrot destinations, etc.

Work overview

  • Authored Monero Core PR #93955
  • Reviewed Monero Core PR #93446
  • WIP Branches: jamtis_rct7 [..]

Consult the previous Monero Observer report to learn more about jeffro256’s latest CCS proposal8.

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