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Core Team member binaryFate1 has published a long overdue and much welcomed2’3 preliminary Monero General Fund transparency report4 which presents data until February 6th 2025:
I will give it few days for any discussion to take place and see if anything needs further clarification. After that we can make a blog post on [..] End of 2023 following the hack of the CCS wallet (even though the incident had nothing to do with me) I decided to revamp my personal opsec and setup. I deprecated the wallet GF2 (now empty), and moved all funds to a new wallet I call “GF-Vault”.
* GF balance: 162.980239254745
* GF-Vault balance: 15,584.2318619398
* GF2: 0
BTC: 0.21869208
Consult the GF_report_February_2025.ods spreadsheet4 for more information.
The view-only GF wallets can be restored by using the associated secret view keys and exported key images5’6’7.
It is worth noting that the previous report was published in March 20238.
This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available. ↩
(ODS) ↩ ↩2
(XMR GF#1) 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ4NMDwYtN18obc8AemS33DBLWs3H7otXft3XjrpDtQGv7SqSsaBYBb98uNbr2VBBEt7f2wfn3RVGQBEP3A, (secret view key#1) f359631075708155cc3d92a32b75a7d02a5dcf27756707b47a2b31b21c389501, (key images#1) ↩
(XMR GF#2) 47Q7HtVaKZKKfxEwK1qJgDdutgxYu892b1qu34Yy1Fow5m1hPQCpQNx6cBTc6tgJDvdggtHqssfybH5AJSaud7t3DffrAXw, (secret view key#2) 5c58e403ec2076594f4791b0322ad4b8720ad6bedfafee03aa3ff97f7b1a540f, (key images#2) ↩
(XMR GF-Vault) 48UUYsQX9fXf34zW5MurZs8SiAZi3nhUZL3d24xSoxniJaDeLSFUrJv7uaPQ8TfRxR8BDHJV7qKxr4bDqKmgGk5KKjXfUA8, (secret view key#3) c19710062c7ca4f3bda9039d323c99b387cd1684ee0ca5fe7bd744a70688c500, (key images#3) ↩
/binaryfate-monero-general-fund-transparency-report-march-2023/ ↩
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