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Rucknium1 has posted their review2 of CypherStack3’s Uniformly Most Powerful Tests for Ad Hoc Transactions in Monero4 paper (by BG Goodell, Rigo Salazar, and Freeman Slaughter) that was published on 21 October 2024:
The paper is an important contribution to the analysis of churning, an important research question that has evaded rigorous analysis for years. [..] Nonetheless, the paper has a limited scope. A complete picture of churning’s effectiveness against de-anomymization attacks will require more research.
The prototype Python code associated with the 18-page initial draft is available on GitHub5.
This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available. ↩ ↩
(!PDF) ↩
License: CC BY 4.0, no changes were made to the article.