Monero Dev Activity Report - Week 15 2024: 11 PRs, 15 Issues

Posted Sun, 15 Dec 2024, from Monero Observer

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This weekly report aims to provide a big picture view of Monero development activity, increase community support for existing devs and, hopefully, encourage new contributions.

1 - PRs (11, 6:5:0)

Opened (6)


  • #96121 Update (XMRZombie)
  • #96152 contrib: force (de)serialization to create params section incase there is none [RELEASE] (0xFFFC0000)
  • #96163 p2p: allow comments in banlist files [RELEASE] (jeffro256)
  • #96144 wallet: report exact reason for open_wallet failure [RELEASE] (0xFFFC0000)


  • #43815 build: set cxx standard to 17 in dev mode (tobtoht)
  • #43846 lang: fix translation inconsistencies for Esperanto (BaksiLi)

monero-project/monero-site: none

Closed (5)


  • #96037 Revert “blockchain: ensure base fee cannot reach 0” (MeekTheGoat)
  • #96068 Create devcontainer.json (MeekTheGoat)
  • #95719 wallet: serialization not setting variable correctly when only child is opt (0xFFFC0000)
  • #961010 daemon: trim extra whitespace from banlist (0xFFFC0000)
  • #961111 daemon: trim extra whitespace from banlist [RELEASE] (0xFFFC0000)

monero-project/monero-gui : none

monero-project/monero-site: none

Merged (0)

monero-project/monero: none

monero-project/monero-gui: none

monero-project/monero-site: none

2 - ISSUES (15, 4:11)

Opened (4)


  • #961712 Windows NTFS compression causes crash during sync (selsta)
  • #960913 [gentoo amd64] fails on boost (x64x2)
  • #960814 Getting undefined reference errors when trying to build with make fuzz (personnumber3377)


  • #438315 Inconsistent language code: Esperanto flag uses full name instead of ISO 639-1 code ‘eo’ (BaksiLi)

monero-project/monero-site: none

Closed (11)


  • #960416 Need help with repairing the corrupted Blockchain while syncing. (imnotadev-ineedhelp)
  • #961317 @jeffro256 Now it shows this value without changing: 18446744072227688448, so 18.446EB (Zulu-1540)
  • #956918 Monerod crashes when synchronizing on Windows. (Folindril)
  • #947919 Ledger device: CLA_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x6e00) (dotnetspec)
  • #941920 monerod.service - Failed to initiatize p2p server (jaredmo)
  • #936921 Error when running wallet in Gramine (Intel SGX) (yagop)
  • #929422 monerod memory usage on busy public node (Jayd603)
  • #903723 “Exception in main! Error adding spent key image to db transaction: MDB_BAD_TXN…” On Mac OS Sonoma (dicelander)
  • #961824 Build failed (Lynx-fx8300)


  • #437325 Building for Windows in MSYS2. All fine until make release-win64 -j4 (imfatant)
  • #430926 start mining when PC is locked and stop when unlocked (aakashjan)

monero-project/monero-site: none

That’s it for this week’s dev activity report. I will try and publish one every Sunday. Let me know if I missed anything or if you want to see any other statistics/repos included in future reports. Feedback/edits: @ /about.

Previous reports are listed in the [dev] section.


License: CC BY 4.0, no changes were made to the article.