Monero Dev Activity Report - Week 13 2024: 12 PRs, 6 Issues

Posted Sun, 31 Mar 2024, from Monero Observer

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This weekly report aims to provide a big picture view of Monero development activity, increase community support for existing devs and, hopefully, encourage new contributions.

1 - PRs (12, 10:2:0)

Opened (10)


  • #92111 monero-wallet-rpc - Changed default cryptonote port (SyntheticBird45)
  • #92682 Skip privacy networks (on tx sends) that don’t have outgoing connections (vtnerd)
  • #92693 Light wallet maintenance (everoddandeven)
  • #92704 common: fix privatefile create. (0xFFFC0000)
  • #92635 I2P SAM integration (preland)
  • #92676 Skip privacy networks (on tx sends) that don’t have outgoing connections [0.18] (vtnerd)
  • #92707 common: fix privatefile create. (0xFFFC0000)
  • #92728 build: unvendor gtest (tobtoht)
  • #92719 depends: gtest: update to 1.14.0, clean up package definition (tobtoht)
  • #927310 build: miniupnpc: remove submodule, add to depends, update to 2.2.7 (tobtoht)

monero-project/monero-gui: none

monero-project/monero-site: none

Closed (2)


  • #926511 Skip privacy networks (on tx sends) that don’t have outgoing connections (vtnerd)
  • #926612 Skip privacy networks (on tx sends) that don’t have outgoing connections [0.18] (vtnerd)

monero-project/monero-gui : none

monero-project/monero-site: none

Merged (0)

monero-project/monero: none

monero-project/monero-gui: none

monero-project/monero-site: none

2 - ISSUES (6, 2:4)

Opened (2)


  • #926113 GUI appears to Download but won’t run (1James-Bond)

monero-project/monero-gui: none


  • #225314 devguides wallet/daemon rpc missing params (plowsof)

Closed (4)


  • #926215 monero-gui-mac-armv8 locking up at quit (AntlerDM)
  • #926416 Currently unable to restore wallet even with seedphrase (randomaccountlookingforsolutions)


  • #424617 More flexible p2pool installation scenarios on Linux (akiross)
  • #429818 Log menu outputs inaccurate mining info (PPPDUD)

monero-project/monero-site: none

That’s it for this week’s dev activity report. I will try and publish one every Sunday. Let me know if I missed anything or if you want to see any other statistics/repos included in future reports. Feedback/edits: @ /about.

Previous reports are listed in the [dev] section.


License: CC BY 4.0, no changes were made to the article.