Monero Dev Activity Report - Week 10 2023: 9 PRs, 7 Issues

Posted Sun, 12 Mar 2023, from Monero Observer

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This weekly report aims to provide a big picture view of Monero development activity, increase community support for existing devs and, hopefully, encourage new contributions.

1 - PRs (9, 7:2:0)

Opened (7)


  • #87641 Handle case where a command line flag is not allowed in the config file (almalh)
  • #87652 cryptonote_basic: remove unused struct (tobtoht)
  • #87663 Handle case where a command line flag is not allowed in the config file [release-v0.18] (almalh)
  • #87674 depends: upgrade OpenSSL to 3.0.8 (tobtoht)
  • #87705 p2p: avoid spam blocking ipv4 addresses in a blocked subnet (moneromooo-monero)
  • #87716 cryptonote::transaction_prefix: fix IDE parsing error (UkoeHB)
  • #87727 Allow option ‘non-interactive’ in monerod config file (almalh)

monero-project/monero-gui: none

monero-project/monero-site: none

Closed (2)


  • #77728 set simple counter to exit after too many loops (selsta)
  • #87699 Allow option ‘non-interactive’ in monerod config file [release-v0.18] (almalh)

monero-project/monero-gui: none

monero-project/monero-site: none

Merged (0)

monero-project/monero: none

monero-project/monero-gui: none

monero-project/monero-site: none

2 - ISSUES (7, 2:5)

Opened (2)

monero-project/monero: none


  • #412810 Lost and not receiving funds (mlpotesak)


  • #213811 Plisio payment gateway and waller for Monero (AdPlisio)

Closed (5)


  • #876812 Issue with connecting to multiple local nodes after v18.2.0 (suggalla)
  • #872813 Monero wallet RPC sends all balance from subadress when transfer function called (rayorole)
  • #868414 failed to deserialize keys buffer (Gingeropolous)
  • #877315 other items (rookie-kjq)


  • #412716 Monero GUI wallet Access issues (IntheLimelight)

monero-project/monero-site: none

That’s it for this week’s dev activity report. I will try and publish one every Sunday. Let me know if I missed anything or if you want to see any other statistics/repos included in future reports. Feedback/edits: @ /about.

Previous reports are listed in the [dev] section.


License: CC BY 4.0, no changes were made to the article.