Cyrix126 releases Gupaxx v1.1.1

Posted Tue, 21 May 2024, from Monero Observer

Price Analysis

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Cyrix1261 has released Gupaxx2 version 1.1.1 (stable)3 with several fixes and updates:

I’ve made a new release for Gupaxx, it mostly fixes an instability for Windows.

Changes overview

-update list of cpu benchmarks (from upstream hinto-janai@cce8e03)
-do not spawn a thread when unnecessary, use async instead.
-minor code cleanup
-update dependencies
-add system requirements on README
-Windows, set xmrig priority which fixes: #6 and #7
-fix some popup formatting (from upstream hinto-janai@81a780e)

The full changelog, sources, SHA256SUM and .asc files can be found on Github3.

It is worth noting that this project is a Gupax4 fork which integrates the XvB Raffle5. Consult the previous Monero Observer report to learn more about the associated bounty6.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.

License: CC BY 4.0, no changes were made to the article.