Anon donates 100 XMR to Monero General Fund

Posted Sun, 24 Mar 2024, from Monero Observer

Price Analysis

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An anonymous contributor has donated 100 XMR (~$14K USD)1 to the Monero General Fund address2.

plowsof’s monero-fund-watch3 Python script tweeted4 the donation alert a few hours ago:

💝 +100. #xmr 💝 $14063.00

A similar ~100 XMR donation was recorded in 2022 and it is interesting to note that its fiat value was also nearly the same (~14.5K)5.

This is an ongoing story and the report will be updated when new information is available.


  2. 888tNkZrPN6JsEgekjMnABU4TBzc2Dt29EPAvkRxbANsAnjyPbb3iQ1YBRk1UXcdRsiKc9dhwMVgN5S9cQUiyoogDavup3H 


  4. h 

  5. /100-xmr-anon-donation-monero-general-fund/ 

License: CC BY 4.0, no changes were made to the article.